These are just some of the candidates running for election in November 2018 who have signed the Contract For American Renewal (CFAR).  They have chosen honesty, integrity, public service, and accountability over being lapdogs for the ruling elite.  They are embracing true representative democracy by committing themselves to serve the people who elect them to office over corporate lobbyists, deep-pocketed donors, and others in the plutocratic class who have destroyed our democracy and are now looting our nation.

For a complete and current list of CFAR signers, just go HERE.

To see the Contract For American Renewal both for the Senate and the House of Representatives, please go HERE.

The system has been mangled and those now in power are so corrupt they are beyond redemption.  It’s foolhardy to think we can depend on the very people who benefit from the corruption to remedy any of this.  It’s now completely up to us.

We can and will depend on those candidates who have signed the CFAR to begin to fix the mess. 

All is explained on the pages of this site.  Please read carefully, then join us.